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In the life of a Homo-Sapian, it can be easy to lose track of the world around us.  As we grow within the framework of society, we make choices that define our perceptions of reality.  So often the years pass and the conflicts of surviving within an already predefined social order do not much allow for us to re-access the world we have been born into.  We each emerged with consciousness into our previously unknown Universal Vortices, into societies that had already predefined perspectives of our place within the Universal Vortices. We grow and learn from those who came before us without ever questioning the reality of their perspective or even an idea of how those views may have originated.  Taught to accept the already defined illusory vignette, while ignorant of the origins of our own Progenitor's source material, we are continuously bombarded with previously defined notions of our place within the Universal Vortices.  To petition our elders with our qualms can lead us to a perplexing dread to seek out the actuality of their teachings only to find yourself in a society that has spent millennia protecting the validity of their claims through the destruction of our ancestor's perspective of the Universal Vortices.  Our society expects scrupulous acceptance of the realities presented to us in our youth that are derived from doctrines that our educators have been taught to accept without questioning the validity of their sources.  So, we emerged into a seemingly infinite Vorticity, into societies with predefined ideologies with the same consistent teachings meant to alienate those who question our place within the Universal Vortices. Would you like to know more?

Gâfâie-ți respirația de parcă ar fi ultima

Aleargă de-a lungul  calea tremurătoare

Chiar și tu știi că este greșit

Ascultă cu atenție gongul

Războiul vine din adâncuri

Din mare ne-am ridicat, până la nisipurile timpului

Cu mult timp în urmă a apărut un mit

Acolo unde trăiau păgânii creșteau vița de vie

Renunţă Renunţă

Nu voi lăsa niciodată

Dacă mintea mea este plină

Îmi voi goli ceașca

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